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The oldest newspaper in the DPRK! It is mainly concentrated on political issues, social themes and the history of North Korea.

First and Last Salutation [ President ]

16 1,692 jour, 04:02 Published in North Korea North Korea Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Greetings citizens of North Korea,

I am really happy to have been elected as President of North Korea. It was a great joy for me as I was born in eNK,fought the Russian and Belarussian oppression and witnessed the liberation of eNK.

I want to

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Useful eRepublik Shortcuts

2 1,641 jour, 09:50 Published in North Korea North Korea Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello citizens of North Korea,

I recently stumbled on an interesting thing while I was playing the game. You can access to some eRepublik pages directly with a Keyboard Shortcut!
I am sure this will make your experience in the

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Help for the Babies of North Korea !

7 1,635 jour, 10:19 Published in North Korea North Korea Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello citizens of North Korea,

After serious thoughts I decided to start a campaign. Many North Korean babies suffer from hunger and lack of money. The eLife in our country for babies is hard indeed. So, they undoubtedly need help,supplies,

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Congress elections - summary

2 1,589 jour, 05:28 Published in North Korea North Korea Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello fellow North Koreans,
I'm going to present you a short summary of the Congress elections.

In total - the turnout was very low - just 28 votes.

"Cipher Lead the Way"(CLW) gets 12 votes
"Pyongan is here"(PH) gets 8 votes

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Interview with our CP

5 1,582 jour, 06:53 Published in North Korea North Korea Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello citizens of North Korea,

My next guest will be the famous politician,fighter and the current President of North Korea - dawenxi.

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