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Cesko: vstavat, vstavat a cvicit [CZ/EN]

7 1,576 jour, 05:03 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Dobre poledne, pratele,

Vlastne se divim, ze jsme vubec jeste na mape... Probudme se, a pomozme zemim ktery nam pomohli, Belgie a Izrael. My jednou jim, a oni zas jednou nam... 🙂
Pro Belgii: http:// … en savoir plus »

Why i'm running for congress

4 1,553 jour, 12:33 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I'm running for congress because I want to realise some things:
-The first thing i want is to end the active wars here in our beautiful land. I hope that the Slowaks us allow to have elections.
-Slowly beginning to activate the forum by making the

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2 1,539 jour, 09:26 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello Czech Republic,

Now, after the presidential elections, I finally order the last problems on the eCzech forum:
I gave all the ministers and the president their offices, and all the registered ministers have their

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Ukažme jim!

14 1,535 jour, 13:04 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


Kdyz nam Slovaci nechali uzemi, Rakusani nam ho vzali, nechame si to libit?
Ukazme jim ze jsme narod, a ze mame svoji hrdost!
Nesmime kazdopadne ztratit odvahu a hrdost, protoze jsme obcani Ceska! A chceme byt respektovani, a to nejsme.

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Naše nové forum

6 1,531 jour, 05:17 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


Kdyz jsem se vcera ptal Vladislava Balouna, jestli mame sve Ceske forum, odpoved me trochu prekvapila, protoze nemame. Prislo mi, ze komunikace by sla mnohem richleji a effectivneji, proto jsem se dal do prace, a zde je vysledek:

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