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Our CP candidate for the elections [ICP]

7 2,051 jour, 21:25 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello guys,as we see we have country president elections in upcoming few days.I would like to declare our country president candidate today.

Our country president candidate will be … en savoir plus »

Congress members of ICP

3 2,040 jour, 07:03 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello guys,I am here to ask people who want to stand up for congress elections.
As we can select upto 10 people for the congress election I want the people who are intrested in being a … en savoir plus »

Party President Tme!! (ICP)

9 2,035 jour, 23:45 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello guys,Firstly I am here to thank all the Indian comrade party people who voted me in the party president elections.I am happy that u selected me as the party president.I will try … en savoir plus »

Troll of the Day 2028

24 2,028 jour, 07:38 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

A very uneventful day, except for some very serious talk with our own Deadley. Apperently my photoshop skill and Jaskaran's persuation skills led to this:


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10 2,027 jour, 22:52 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello guys this is MASTER SREE LIKITH (MSL).I am here to say you that .I am intrested in standing up for party president elections which are in upcomming days.I am glad to be a member of Indian comrade party (ICP).I wish you people will support me.I

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