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[MoFA] eBelarus - Video Presentation 1 year of Existence in eRepublik

3 1,424 jour, 06:07 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Hi, Australians!

Belarus has recently celebrated its first year in the E-World. Lots of things have happened since then and it seems that only now we can … en savoir plus »


126 1,420 jour, 17:56 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques
Counter Article

[img]http://upload.[/img] … en savoir plus »

My Policies for Country President

12 1,412 jour, 21:51 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Ladies and Gentlemen i announce my Policies and Ideas for my Presidential Term

Foreign Affairs

As my speciality I thought I would put this first.

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My Candidature for Country President

26 1,410 jour, 21:07 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Ladies, Gentlemen and Discrate1 it’s my pleasure to formal announce that I plan to run for the position of Country President in this upcoming election.

As you all know the last few weeks have been very interesting and exciting for Australia

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How Australians Communicate in eRepublik

15 1,403 jour, 05:29 Published in Australia Australia Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Something people will notice when seeing players comment in articles or in shouts is that we all seem to know each other rather well and have inside jokes. There is a reason for this. We all communicate in a chat network called IRC and use forums

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