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" know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?"
-Julie (Scott Pilgrim Volume 3)

Consider the Following with Paul Proteus

12 860 jour, 20:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

This article of Good-Bye Blue Monday shall be divided into three parts,
-The Swiss Primaries
-Consider the Following

Starting with,
-The Swiss Primaries
As most of you know, once again, I will

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Thank You!

4 857 jour, 03:53 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Another Article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article only has one part...

-Thank YOU for Electing ME

And now, starting with...
-Thank YOU for Electing ME
As you all know, I have recently been elected into Swiss Congress

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Congress, Olympics and Ferrets!

8 855 jour, 18:48 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Here is another article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article will be divided into three parts,
-Awesome Ferrets?

Starting with,

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Party Presidents, SFP, and Congress

4 850 jour, 17:51 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Another article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article will be divided into three parts,
-Party Presidents
-Swiss Freedom Party

Starting with...
-Party Presidents
This is a bit late, but it still

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Vote Paul for SDP Party President

17 843 jour, 15:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

This article of Good-bye Blue Monday will be divided into two parts...

-Vote Paul (Serious)
-Why you Should Totally Vote Paul (With Pictures 😃)

We will start today's article with why you should vote me for Party

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