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3 3,003 jour, 09:33 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik


I had to make a request to u all. Plz join a MU. U can join any MU of ur choose but I prefer u join our MU. Our MU is by far the largest in Pakistan with 33 members in four regiments.

There r many advantages of joining an MU. A

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Apology to the Nation

10 3,000 jour, 03:51 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I apologise to the nation for not introducing any reforms as PM. However this was not my fault. President Scorpian King did not allow me to write any article as Prime Minister. He rejected that I should bring any reform. The only thing he allowed me

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7 2,995 jour, 02:50 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

According to erepublik rules, r we allowed to create multiple accounts?

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Roatating Donation Systerm Restored

2 2,994 jour, 03:13 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hi all,

I am restoring the Rotating Doantion Systerm, which was ended because I was dismissed from Minister of Defence and thus did not retain the authority to conduct this systerm. Now that I am Minister of Defence again, I will restore the

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Democracy Restored

2 2,992 jour, 23:58 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Democracy has been restored. I congratulate the current President Scorpian King for becoming the new head of state. I recognise him as President and leader.

Thank You
Taha Ahmed.

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