Fond on/off


1 2,694 jour, 18:42 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Now I wanted to post about something in real life, The movie Fast 7 (The Fast and Furious 7) just came out and for those who don't know an actor by the name of Paul Walker died before he could finish his role in the film and he was the main star of

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Back with Full Commitment.

13 2,693 jour, 12:06 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I am back from a long hiatus, many personal things I had to deal with but that is over and I want to commit myself to this game again. CP thoughts I want Rusty to become CP and although we are a dictatorship but through negotiation and compromise we

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My View on Democracy

20 2,181 jour, 18:06 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

This is my view on Democracy.

While Democracy seems like a good system were people have some choice in their political future, it is weak and unreliable. For example, I live in the United States In real life, and every 4 years its either Stooge A

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Impeach measure illegal

5 2,168 jour, 15:39 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Sirjames244 was the one to launch the impeachment vote at a certain time, however the Impeach was launched far to early and by a different person making this law illegal and all law abiding senators must vote no.


(quote start) csanat,

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To Impeach or not to impeach

26 2,167 jour, 20:15 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

The question to Impeach our current president is a slug fest. I really hadn't looked into it until today however from what I read and understand, Mick did not commit any real offense that is worthy of a impeachment.

What Daenerys … en savoir plus »