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Internal Monologue of a lonely eCypriot

30 2,321 jour, 13:08 Published in Cyprus Cyprus Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Panpas, and Depici;

Cyprus is
a wilderness for some to repent.
a hades for some to suffer.
a purgatory for some to rest.
a dead place for me. It is Mordor and I am Frodo. I have the ring, f..k yeah

For Rauf;

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Back to the little Mongolian Steppe [TR/EN/FR/GR]

39 2,316 jour, 12:01 Published in Cyprus Cyprus Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

From Eashoa, an enthusiastic player of Erectpublic, called to be Mucahid, set apart from the rest of eTurks, which he vowed beforehand through his accomplishments in main Mongolia land, and set apart for the holy Cyprus, the steppe in

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Teknolojik yakaris v.1

37 2,293 jour, 09:29 Published in Turkey Turkey Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Merhaba arkadaslar,

Cogunuza malumdur, amerikada yasiyorum yaklasik 6-7 yildir. Ilk geldigim donemde, herkesin elinde "black berry" telefon vardi, o zamanlar Black Berry, simdinin iphone'u gibi populerdi (tr'de hic yoktu sanirsam). Sonra, Apple

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Ben Yunus Cakir

41 2,286 jour, 22:03 Published in Turkey Turkey Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Merhaba Arkadaslar,

Ben Yunus Cakir, bu hesabi kelepir fiyata satin aldim. Simdilik nick degistiremiyorum ancak ilk firsatta degistirip excalibur47 yapacagim. Beni taniyanlar taniyor, tanimayanlarla bir dahaki secimde tanisiriz.


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Gomunistlere impeach

25 2,186 jour, 12:12 Published in Turkey Turkey Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Esasinda shout olarak paylastigim bu fikirlerimi, derin devlet mensuplari makale yazarak ortami germem icin paylasmami rica ettiler. Soyle ki,

din harap iman serap
sen bizi bu gomunist
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