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A Weapon of Mass Construction & Mass Destruction

Unde se duc banii vostri

105 3,489 jour, 11:44 Published in Romania Romania Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


Taxele pe work sunt tinute sus
Partidele sunt sub takeover pentru a putea mentine Congresul si iesirile din visterie
CO-urile sunt puse preferential si pentru cine trebuie.
Aproximativ 6,000,000 RON sunt arsi lunar de o
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Am 10,000 de Gold. Ce fac cu ei?

158 3,470 jour, 10:44 Published in Romania Romania Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


Putin cate putin am reusit sa adun ceva bani in cont. Problema este ce fac cu ei? Astept parerile voastre in legatura cu optiuni pentru a investi aproximativ 10,000 de Gold pe care momentan ii am disponibili. Evident exista si en savoir plus »

eRep Labs is hungry as hell

22 3,418 jour, 06:00 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


Okay, so there have been a few bad decisions in the eRep Labs office in the past 2-3 years. Some were okay, some were good. But I en savoir plus »

Schimbari la Weekly Challenge dupa 40k PP

25 3,417 jour, 02:55 Published in Romania Romania Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre


In ziua 3,416 intre orele 00:40 - 1:02 (server time) bazele de date eRepublik au clacat, exact in timpul bataliilor epice (una la D4 si vreo 4-5 la D1 en savoir plus »

Legends of Romania - a proposal

70 3,395 jour, 07:49 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


There have been many discussions about the nomenclature of the Military Ranks over the years, especially with the introduction of the Legend Ranks. In an effort to both en savoir plus »