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Covering issues pertaining to Canada. Political, Economical, Militaristic, and other pertinent content.

Protectors of Nations: Practical Guide

10 5,036 jour, 08:05 Published in Canada Canada Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Here I will lay out everything I know and understand about the Protectors of Nations update that was implemented. I will attempt to phrase it in a more clear and concise way, explaining in short without all the words and confusion.

How did I

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Fuel Added to Erepublik. How Does It Work?

20 5,004 jour, 06:14 Published in Canada Canada Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello fellow eCanadians and maybe even the world!

Fuel has been added to the game now, as it was announced 4 days ago. It's a new mechanic that must be understood in how it works, which is what this article aims to outline below! Pay attention!

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[Changes] How to switch from ground into air

11 5,001 jour, 09:39 Published in Canada Canada Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Greetings eCanada and maybe even the world.

I'm aware that there are many players who may have never used a division switcher, and possibly never really took part in Hot Summer event last year.

As a result, there may be players who do not know

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Day 5,000 Changes - I Need a Hero

3 5,000 jour, 07:12 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre
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Day 5,000 Manny Packs [Delivery]

20 4,997 jour, 17:27 Published in Canada Canada Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Gear up for day 5,000 with Manny Packs

If you commented on the previous article and were a Canadian citizen, you can expect your Manny Pack tomorrow not long after Hot Air
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