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27 2,666 jour, 11:02 Published in Egypt Egypt Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hauriem d’alegrar-nos de tot això. Portem buscant-ho temps. Per fi aquest país comença a ser normal.

Bé, normal a estones. Alguns aspectes fan olor a antic, com a biblioteca plena de manuscrits d’algun palau perdut per l’Empordà. Hem d’

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Interviews: Vijayakrishna

18 2,606 jour, 05:18 Published in Egypt Egypt Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

In this article, I’m publishing a interview to a great person; a leader of the not so alligned countries, and an institution in his nation: Vijayakrishna, the current Country President of eIndia, for second consecutive time. His words will be, for

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The Ambassador Program

20 2,596 jour, 03:21 Published in Egypt Egypt Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


I gladly announce that the Egyptian Government chose me to lead a new Ambassadors Program for the country. Farbous, our MoFA, talked a little bit about that in an [url= savoir plus »

Diàleg i ajuda, tot pel país

44 2,577 jour, 09:43 Published in Egypt Egypt Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

El carrer en va ple. A tota ciutat, tot poble, tot fòrum, tothom parla del mateix; els acarnissats debats es repeteixen arreu, sense treure'n massa. Els catalans han perdut, els catalans han perdut! I ara què, què han de fer? Què faran aquells que

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Take them out from here

13 2,434 jour, 15:03 Published in Egypt Egypt Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre


As I promised some time ago, in my II Presidential Address, it seems through the next 25th of this month Congress elections will be held … en savoir plus »