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All objective conditions for a revolution are met. False class consciousness is the only obstacle.

Economics 2: International Trade

4 303 jour, 14:30 Published in Sweden Sweden

In this article we're going to analyze international trade.

Country E is a net exporter. Country I is a net importer. Country E with Currency C1 sells products in Country I with currency C2. For this E receives an amount of C2 from I.


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Economics 1: Alternative Company Models

11 301 jour, 03:13 Published in Sweden Sweden

From the previous article on economics "Introduction to Economics", we've learnt what profit is, and how it is generated. Now we'll take a closer look at Alternative Company Models.

For an employee the goal is to maximize salary, while the goal

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Introduction to Economics

9 300 jour, 02:48 Published in Sweden Sweden

The economy is modelled realistically enough to warrant economic analysis.

How does a company work?
There has to be some so called "initial capital" involved in the formation of a new company. It's usually 40 Gold, or at current exchange

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11 298 jour, 06:30 Published in Sweden Sweden


The Voice of the Revolution is a -new- newspaper that works for the World Revolution and serves to inform the masses about current political events both internationally and regionally.

Our Political

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