Open letter to the Country president of Romania

Day 1,561, 10:14 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

First of all, I would like to apologize to my fellow countrymen that this will be written in English, and to the fellow Turks for the length of the article. I know you cannot read long articles so please excuse me for this racist act.

Let's clarify one thing. I am not a politician. Until a certain point in time I did not even vote. I don't write on behalf of the Bulgarian community. I don't represent anyone else but myself. I am not proficient at writing articles. Heck, up until today I did not even believe I will ever own a newspaper, as I consider it a waste of gold. What I am gonna say is strictly the way I see things. I am not asking you to like it, and I don't care if you will. But let's come to the matter on hand.

Dear President of eRomania,

I am deeply sorry to disturb you, but since you stated I am wrong , I would like to set things straight.

I would like to point out that your statement regarding us and Turkey being in the same alliance - quote: As stated above Bulgaria and Turkey are on the same side and both countries have made a commitment to an alliance, to a brotherhood is plain and simply, mildly put, rubbish. To the ordinary Bulgarian people the membership of Turkey expired when Bulgaria placed a veto on their request for full membership, regardless of what the EDEN HQ is trying to say, make us believe or do. There is no such thing as an indefinite trial membership in any international organization in existence at this moment. Yes , we did accept Turkey being trial member. Or to clarify the situation, our president at that time did without approval of Congress, or the ordinary folks. That action did reserve a special place in eRepublic Bulgarian hell for him. Had he had the balls (or the brains) to simply say "No"at that moment we would not be having this conversation, right?

Let's say, that for the sake of argument you are right and Turkey was rightfully admitted as trial member in violation of all EDEN treaties for the term of one month (which ended long ago by the way). To the ordinary citizen that trial ended with the decision taken by the Bulgarian people at the referendum, regarding the membership of Turkey in EDEN. Which was a funny thing, by the way. Before the referendum, quite many people were willing to forgive and forget and give the Turks a second chance. Funny thing is how several trolls (sorry to use that word fellow Bulgarians), the inability of EDEN HQ to explain its actions, and several Turkish trolls (Your text to link here... turned the things around.

Let me say it straight. I am NOT a racist, regardless of what you think. I have been called several things, including a psychopath, anti-social, depressive, and what not , but never has one dared say I am racist. I have acquaintances that are Turkish, Palestinian, Albanian, rednecks from Texas, whaccos from Chicago (boy, are they messed up), Brits, Gypsies etc. That is not why I hate Turkey in eRepublic. Never was. I hate them for what they did.

If you look at my birth date, you will see that I was born during one of the Romanian occupations of Bulgaria. Do I hate Romanians? Hell no! Do the Bulgarian population hate you for what you did to us several times when we were enemies? I cannot say that. As I said I can only speak for myself. But had it been the case, then Bulgaria would have never fought alongside you that many times and sacrificed itself for its allies that many times . You said it yourself - we fought many times together. And now you accuse us of being racist and traitors. Can I remind you one fact - Spain vetoed Turkey for ONE membership, and Russia vetoed them for Terra membership. Are they racist as well?

I remember the times when we and Turkey were allies. I remember their strong turnup and show in the most important battle of Bulgaria at that time - the one in BiH ( yes, I remember all 5 who fought there - including the two who fought AGAINST Bulgaria). I remember the Lazocrats and the resistance wars in Iran. I remember the vote for expulsion of Bulgaria from Phoenix when we vetoed the membership of eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM). That rings a bell? One HQ broke their founding treaty in exchange for more damage. I remember the months when Turkey was deleting Bulgaria from the map last year day in and day out, just because it could. That I remember.

And all you want is a fair chance for them? THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE FOR ONE FULL MONTH. And after the response of the Turkish CP to his Bulgarian counterpart regarding a deal (which is strange considering the regions belong to Iran and not Turkey and at the present moment was the most benevolent proposal Turkey could have gotten from Bulgaria) I'd say they missed their chances. The so-called "friendship agreement"between Ukraine, Turkey and Argentina (which is a slap in the face of Bulgaria basically and if you are a good politician you would be the first to admit it) proves it beyond a reasonable doubt).

You talk of DIGNITY AND HONOR. Do you have the dignity and honor to obey the rules of the treaties of the alliance and end Turkey trial membership? Do you have the dignity to support an ally and do they one thing they ask you to do?

Yes, we can understand all things and forgive many, but we will never forgive Turkey's treason. Call us selfish if you like, but that's the way it is. They had their chance and they blew it. End of story. Let them knock on someone else's door.

Wow, this thing turned out longer than expected. I could throw in some boobs for the few dillusional ones that will actually read it. Hmmmm, I might even do it.

There you go:

Thanks guys,

Кратко резюме на български: Моята позиция относно отвореното писмо на президента на Румъния.