Open letter to Bulgarian citizens

Day 1,561, 02:53 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur

Dear Bulgarian Brothers,

We, Romanians and Bulgarians, have been together trough many battles in the last years. We faced together greatness and fall. We fought fierce side by side to avoid deletion, to reappear on the map or to conquer enemies and we liked to be together as “The Brotherhood”. We admired your way of never give up and never stand down.

But what you are doing now is WRONG!
“When you bring RL issues into a game, you already lost it” said Romper and wasn’t wrong!

I can understand you feelings towards Turks but I also know that honor and loyalty are above everything else for a Bulgarian. When Turkey was admitted as trial member in Eden, Bulgaria voted yes, without any doubts! That is a commitment that any responsible country has to accept and respect.

As a country, Romania cannot understand the “cat and mouse” play with NE laws from both countries, and the Bulgarian attacks on Iranian RWs of Turkey as state policy. As stated above Bulgaria and Turkey are on the same side and both countries have made a commitment to an alliance, to a brotherhood. And this is happening while other members of the alliance have crucial battles against ONE (see Croatia, Romania or Ukraine), and this situation is going on for weeks now.

Dear Bulgarian, make up your mind! Do you have the DIGNITY and HONOR to fulfill your commitments to your Brothers or you just don’t care for those whom you fought alongside for more than a year?
Do you have the strength to help “brothers” in need or you are too busy to mess up with a childish play?

What would you think if Romania would play such a “game” with, let’s say Russia, while you would have FYROM and Serbia with NE on you? (Rusia picked up randomly for example)

Think about these 3 questions the whole Romanian community would ask you for an answer?

We can understand many things, but WE NEVER UNDERSTAND SELFISHNESS OR TREASON, because these attributes have never been part of EDEN alliance.

With all the respects,
CP of Romania
on behalf of the whole eRomanian community