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[CP] Internal Developments

15 Día 1,729, 08:43 Publicado en Pakistan Pakistan Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings ePakistan

The purpose of this article is to address several internal developments taking place in our country, and to update the general … leer más »

[CP] Moving Forward

25 Día 1,728, 12:09 Publicado en Pakistan Pakistan Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings ePakistan

I write to you with a heavy heart today. Pakistan is no longer on the map. However, this defeat is the dawn of a new age of warriors … leer más »

[CP] Address to the Nation

53 Día 1,725, 05:03 Publicado en Pakistan Pakistan Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Greetings ePakistan and the wider world,

Today, I come to you with somber news. The day that we had foreseen for months has finally come. Iran has declared Pakistan as a … leer más »

[CP] August Cabinet

30 Día 1,721, 14:39 Publicado en Pakistan Pakistan Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings ePakistan,

I would like to thank you all for the honour which you, my fellow countrymen, have bestowed in me by electing me as your new Country President. Thank you, and I hope that I am able to fulfill the trust which you guys have

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Ishamael for Country President! [PK]

35 Día 1,717, 08:11 Publicado en Pakistan Pakistan Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings Pakistan,

My name is Ishamael Naeblis and I will be seeking your endorsement for the upcoming Presidential election.

Ever since coming to ePakistan not so … leer más »