Ambiente de fondo si/no


17 Día 1,507, 10:11 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Well my dear friends, the end of the world has arrived as I have lost the election. Join me my followers in drinking this kool-aid, as we wait for the space ship to take us to heaven. Just kidding. I would first like to thank you all in supporting

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Do You Believe in Miracles? Draak for POTUS

23 Día 1,506, 09:19 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Dear Friends,

It is the final countdown, the final stand, last call, or whatever you choose to call it. In a few hours of me writing this, you all will head to the polls to decide who will become the next President of this nation, and the first

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Draak for POTUS: Old School in a New Age

22 Día 1,504, 20:05 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings my dear readers, today I received fantastic news from the folks at the Bastards of Liberty Party that I had been nominated to be their candidate for CP this

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Operation Swift Fury: Friendship, Trust, and Sacrifice

29 Día 1,498, 09:07 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

If you are a huge erep dork, or you were perhaps bored one day you may have scrolled through the different CP elections we have had seeing who won which election and by how much they won it by. If you happened to stumble upon the [url=http://www.

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Congress Election Statistics

53 Día 1,497, 07:41 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Greetings my dear readers, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Remember, only 365 days (leap year) until the next Christmas so make sure you get that shopping done early. Because I am a math dork, I have decided to compile some basic statistics on

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