[Stilpo] Survey Results

Día 2,103, 19:10 Publicado en Ireland Irlanda por Stilpo

Hello again Ireland,

Below are the results of this month's national performance poll (administered around the 20th of each month), which independently measures and tracks public perception of performance for the following:

1) Ireland as a whole
2) The CP
3) All head ministers
4) Congress as a whole
5) Individual congress members

The purpose of this poll is not to single any individuals out for their positive or negative performance, but rather to encourage personal reflection and provide a little extra motivation for everyone to perform to the best of their ability no matter what role they play in our community.


First things first. Gold prizes were raffled off to 6 randomly-selected players who completed the survey. Winners were determined by assigning each eligible survey-taker a number based on the order they took the survey, and then generating random numbers in the same range via the random number generator at http://www.random.org/. Only current Irish citizens who indicated that they wished to participate in the raffle were considered eligible to win the prizes.

2-gold prize winners (5):
Domagojvu II
Ian E CoIeman
Achab Collins
Stephen Stub Brady
Frankie Macadelic18

5-gold prize winner (2):
Ipsos Lysander
Liam Tatlock

Congratulations to all of the winners!!!


In addition to recognizing the winners of the raffle, it is also important to recognize the heroes who donated their own gold to help sponsor this month’s raffle prizes. Between them, this month’s private donors provided 13.5 gold to the raffle fund. Because of this, we were able to increase the total prize money this month to 20 gold (versus 15 gold last month and 10 gold the month before). I’m thrilled to see that I’m not the only one out there who is interested in making this survey a success.

EmperorPalpatine: 10 gold donation

Grainne Ni Mhaille: 2.5 gold donation

Mary Robinson: 1 gold donation


Looking ahead: So far we have 13 gold collected for next month’s survey plus another 10 promised (not including my own contribution). This means we are well on track to increasing the gold prizes yet again next month. If you wish to become a sponsor, please PM me to make arrangements (any amount of gold is appreciated, but the minimum donation to be listed as an official sponsor is 0.5 gold).

A record of all past sponsors (and winners), including cumulative totals for each individual, can be viewed in this Google doc.


Before you continue to the results of the poll it is very important to understand the makeup of those who took the poll. Both the number and diversity of survey-takers can have a significant effect on the validity and reliability of the results, as well the way in which specific results are interpreted.

Turnout was promising this month with 45 people participating in the poll. This is significantly up from 28 last month. I was also happy to see that the responses we got were very diverse, with at least 6 Irish parties and at least 5 MUs being represented. Also included in the analysis are responses from 4 participants who were not current Irish citizens but considered themselves to be an active part of the Irish community. As always, meta-data collected from each user (i.e. IP address, browser info, etc.) was used to help screen for multi-voting.

CS breakdown

PARTY breakdown

MU breakdown

EXPERIENCE breakdown



Star scale: Unless otherwise specified (as in the individual congress member ratings), all performance evaluation judgments were made on a 5-star rating scale with 1/2-star increments.

5 stars = extremely satisfied
2.5 stars = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
0 stars = extremely dissatisfied

Box plots Most analyses this month make use of box plots, which I find to be much more informative than simple means.

Below is a simple visual explanation of a box plot.

Note:If the sample size is small enough and/or the responses are skewed enough, the whiskers may not be visible because they fall on the same point as the edge of the box. If no box appears around the median, this means that the overwhelming majority of responses fell on exactly that point, or that there was only one response in that group.


We will start our analysis with evaluations of the country as a whole. Below are the results of how survey-takers thought we were doing overall this month, as well ratings as on 4 specific performance domains (explained below). These criteria were based on the results of the May 2013 brainstorming survey in which participants were asked to give the most important criterion by which the country should be judged as successful.

Note: The values displayed in this graph are MEANS (not medians)

Comments: Free-comments for this and other sections can be found in-full here.

Performance Domain Key

Reputation: being respected by friends and enemies; having many friends; having an effective military force; being seen as loyal and honorable; contributing to alliances; feeling a sense of pride to be Irish; having an influence in world affairs
Independence: being free of foreign influence; avoiding foreign PTO; controlling our own regions
Activity: being economically and socially productive, having fun, publishing many newspaper articles, having lively and constructive debates, accomplishing social goals; retaining new players
Unity: working together effectively as a society; minimizing internal divisions and personal feuds; being civil with each other


Next we will focus on the performance of the CP. Like the country as a whole, the CP was also rated both on overall performance as well as on four specific performance domains that are essential to the CP’s job description (based on responses to the May 2013 brainstorming survey).

Note: The values displayed in this graph are MEANS (not medians)

Comments: Free-comments for this and other sections can be found in-full here.

Performance Domain Key

Leadership & effectiveness: bringing people together; inspiring activity and enthusiasm in ministers and community; organizing government effectively; being proactive; having clear priorities and goals; implementing pragmatic and effective strategies
Activity & reliability: effort; dedication; self-sacrifice; being consistently available to ministers and public; keeping up to date and being responsive to the latest world and community events
Communication & openness: keeping ministers, congress and public informed of government business; being open to new ideas; being diplomatic and civil; building relationships with world and community leaders
Integrity & honor: honesty, trustworthiness, honor, putting Ireland first


In addition to the CP, each head minister of the current administration was rated on their overall performance this month (below).

Note: The values displayed in this graph are MEANS (not medians)

Explanations of each government position can be found here

Comments: Free-comments for this and other sections can be found in-full here.


In addition to overall performance, the performance of every individual congress member was measured. Only those survey-takers who were members of congress or worked closely with congress this term were encouraged to complete this section of the poll.

Very important: When interpreting these results, it is extremely important to keep in mind that results may be affected by the specific make-up of those who took the survey. Some parties were more represented in this survey than others. Being human as we are, this can potentially lead to biased responses. However, negative ratings were asked to be justified by selecting specific reasons, which have been included below for the readers’ consideration.

Specific reasons given for negative ratings:

Unconstructive or uncivil conduct
Brian Boru (x4)
AD31 (x2)

Ignored procedure
Brian Boru (x2)

Gerald Smyth (x5)
lamborgini15 (x3)
R3tro Contractor (x3)
micutzu (x3)
CuFaoil (x2)
adelsberger (X2)
Johnny jnr (x2)
Kaptain Kidd (x2)
Uljanov (x2)
lee Flanagan (x2)
Shane Kelly (x2)
Lord Scego (x2)
sir adriano prette
Frank Dobbs
Brian Boru

Note: The number of raters who corroborated an accusation of misconduct is noted in the parentheses after a name (e.g. x2 or x3). If there is no parentheses after a name, it means that only one rater accused that individual of misconduct in that area. The more times an accusation is corroborated, the more likely an accusation is to have merit. In any case, please take these results with a grain of salt.

Comments: Free-comments for this and other sections can be found in-full here.


Results for the bonus sections are not yet analyzed. I had to get these initial results out quickly due to the upcoming congress elections. The results for the bonus section will be published in a separate article within a few days. I also need to publish the results of last month’s survey (sorry for the ridiculously long delay, it’s been a busy month).

That’s it for this month’s survey. If you have any questions please let me know. You may also request to review the data in-depth for yourself, although any such data will have identifying information such as profile links removed.

Thanks for reading!


P.S. If you liked this article, don't keep it to yourself!


[July 2013] National Performance Poll #3
[June 2013] National Performance Poll #2
[May 2013] National Performance Poll #1

[Nov 2012] Saoirse party performance survey
[Nov 2012] Government roles and responsibilities Survey
[Oct 2012] Policy opinion survey
[Oct 2012] Desirable traits for congress members