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Running for Congress

5 Day 2,068, 17:54 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So, this is a break from my eBolivian update, but I would like to run for Congress.

I see the same names in Congress and party leadership over and over again. While I understand that we have (if we have any) fewer seats to divy up, and it may

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From eBolivia: Congress, for real this time, and TWO

0 Day 2,056, 12:35 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So, the biggest two updates are that eBolivia actually maintained its regions through an election, and thus is a real(ish) country again... and that it has befriended our enemies, TWO. They are actively fighting against CoT (us) and are seeking to

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eBolivia: I lied, no Congress... Plus UCA?

0 Day 2,035, 23:12 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So, two updates real quick. First, I lied. eBolivia had some regions for a bit, but does NOT yet have a Congress. Oops.

Also, there are some rumblings in the eBolivian press and forums, not sure how serious, or how this would happen, but about

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eBolivia: Finally with a Congress

1 Day 2,020, 23:19 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So I have been in blatant dereliction of my duties as both a diplomat and a journalist. My bad. I will try to stay more up to date, but for now, the big news from eBolivia is.... there is an actual eBolivia. They have two regions, which means

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Update from eBolivia: No Congress again

2 Day 1,982, 17:04 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So, this will be brief. I was house sitting last week and out of touch with the game, so I'm just now catching up. From what I can gather, though, the eBolivians have failed again to regain regions from Paraguay or Peru in time for elections.

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