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Commune Concerns: Now and the Future

6 Day 726, 13:34 Published in USA USA

The commune is coming along nicely. We are profitable and have a number of hard workers. I must urge everyone to try to log on everyday to at least work. Some people have low skill and do not fully support themselves—the workers with higher skill

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Alliance Changes and Commune Update

1 Day 718, 18:46 Published in USA USA

1. Admin's Alliance Changes

The admins released the following little scenario as justification for the recent changes to alliances:

"By signing … read more »

Commune Alpha: Tasty Bread Analysis

2 Day 717, 18:50 Published in USA USA

Tasty Bread is the Q1 food company of Commune Alpha. This article will look at the investment put into the business and organization, what it was used for, and what kind of profits we might be looking at.

Bobby Canell: 20G

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Turn the Key

6 Day 716, 17:10 Published in USA USA

Commune Alpha is up and running! Commune Alpha is the name of the org and Tasty Bread is our Q1 business. Future worker-owners don't need to invest in order to get in on this, we've coughed up all the starting costs. Also, if you want to move … read more »

For What It's Worth

6 Day 714, 14:20 Published in USA USA

The Presidential elections are just around the corner. Two very strong candidates are in the front running--Josh Frost and Jewitt. Each have impressive resumes and experience vital for our nation's continued success. However, we must choose one or

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