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Open Opposition: Game Mechanics is a Two-Way Street

11 Day 743, 22:29 Published in USA USA

Commune Alpha

Well, there isn't a whole lot to report here. The consensus on food distribution was that you get a food for each day of the week you work. So make sure you guys work. It increases your skill, which leads to increased … read more »

Commune-ists and Conservatives

3 Day 740, 15:44 Published in USA USA

Seems there is a lot of stuff to cover lately. How horrible that ideas and motivation to do things here in eRepublik only increase as finals approach in school and reports come due. The first part will be dedicated to the Commune and the second to

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Worker-Owners Wanted

11 Day 737, 01:27 Published in USA USA

Commune Alpha has been working rather well for about three weeks now. We've seen our number of members fluctuate from the maximum of 10 to our lowest now at 3. A few were noobs who quit and … read more »

Last But Not Least: A Late Bid for Congress

3 Day 735, 21:15 Published in USA USA

Alright folks, I’m not going to promise groundbreaking changes with my bid for congress made possible via the Conservative Party. That’s not what congresspersons do. They don’t change the world. We have presidents and military leaders and revered

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ePakistan and the Dioists

11 Day 727, 11:34 Published in USA USA

Way back when the magma was still bubbling on the surface of the eWorld and meteorites still pelted this poor rock as the atmosphere had not yet fully formed--way back before the civilized nations of the world drew their lines in the sand and then

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