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Diary of a soldier Day 1

5 Day 756, 14:58 Published in Australia Australia

Dear diary

I woke up to sound of artillery and soldiers running evrywhere I was dazed for a second then I was pushed down by my squad leader he started yelling at me."WHAT ARE YOU DOING SLEEPING WE'RE BEING ATTACKED."I quicklly ran to

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Brazil's cost for invading us

4 Day 755, 13:48 Published in Australia Australia

Dear readers

as you know the Brazillian invasion is imminent. As you may also know it cost money to invade regions. There fore I would like to show the cost for invading each individual state and the cost of attacking all our regions. How I work

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7 Day 748, 03:42 Published in Australia Australia

Dear the ANP party

I stand in front of you today asking you to vote for me on Party President election day. I believe sir_c0nstant has done an excellent job as Party President he has led us through the good times and the bad times. I would like

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[IMPORTANT] Fellow ANP members

3 Day 747, 03:09 Published in Australia Australia

Dear the ANP party

I stand in front of you today asking you to vote for me on Party President election day. I believe sir_c0nstant has done an excellent job as Party President he has led us through the good times and the bad times. I would like

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A way to save france

1 Day 746, 20:54 Published in Australia Australia

they could do a region swap with Germany so when Sapin takes over all of france they will have to go through Germany

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