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The Different Qualities of Food: Price Differences?

24 Day 1,292, 20:01 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

There has always been a case of differing prices in eRepublik, whether you look at the different qualities of food, or the differences between raw material costs. All of these changes are easily explained, and many of them do not make economic

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Current Economics: Prices, Managers, and Consumers!

7 Day 1,290, 19:30 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

The economy has been ripe with change in the last few weeks, and today I plan on outlining differences in price over the last week or two, and give advice for what to do if you are a consumer, or a company manager.


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BAOTUS: I Direct Your Arm America!

8 Day 1,289, 15:52 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

"Arm America Director:

If I ask you to cut off your arm, you do it goddamnit. Why? Because I’m the BAOTUS and you don’t ask questions."

So I'm running for this position, and I figure my arms are the most bad-ass pair of … read more »

What to Buy, America! Day 1,280

6 Day 1,280, 13:34 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Hello everyone, I just got my citizenship accepted earlier today, and what better way to celebrate this than an economics article? :{P

So here is my breakdown of the American economy as of 13:00 Server time on Day 1,280:

Food Costs:

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Current Economics, and What To Expect Next

8 Day 1,266, 16:09 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

So, we've been invaded and occupied like I said we would in my last article, sit tight and wait for instructions. We'll get out of this 'pickle' if you will. Here I'd like to take my breakdown of the effect on the Swiss economy, although it doesn'

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