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Do we have any Congress, where is the Congress, who is in the Congress

17 Day 288, 03:30 Published in Norway Norway

In fact the SF congressmen in the congressmen list you can find in Political stat is 71% of the congress, 28 members, and the total this period is 39 Congressmen.

So where is the Congress, are you in Forconins private forum or are you not in yet,

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The President admits.

0 Day 285, 13:13 Published in Norway Norway

As far as I understand you admit that you privately have removed the gold without being backed by the congress, this is directly against the Democracy, and if we tolerate that it will degrade our Constitution and our respect for the Democracy rule

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Gold gone. Hope it is not true.

23 Day 285, 11:51 Published in Norway Norway

I cannot believe this is true, what has happened to the Gold, where is it, is it in some ones private pocket?

This happened in Spain some months ago, but that was after some members signed and then left it with one person.

It also happened in

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We are eFinland, eRussia and eNorway wether we like it or not.

1 Day 285, 02:25 Published in Norway Norway

First we need to accept the fact that we are three. in nature independent states, great in their own rights.

Secondly we need to appreciate that the game gives us some very vital limitations.
- The military strength depends on “strength”, … read more »

TT is focusing on eNorway’s ecomomy, breaks on, we cant move with the breaks on

4 Day 282, 02:06 Published in Norway Norway

! NOK =0,073 Gold, someone have gone to sleep here, wake up, one thing is that the breaks are on but it might be that we have run out of fuel as well.

Even if we let go of the breaks, without fuel the economy won’t move. Our workers need money,

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