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The V1 eagle is hovering above the empire and leaving all the rabbits to run for their hide

4 Day 315, 08:39 Published in Norway Norway

Freedom freedom, give us freedom. We are born free and equal let us fight for it, let us die for it, let us spend everything for it let us repeat the history and glorify the defeat.

We are not going to let any body dictate our future, we are … read more »

TT party. Money and gold, independence and greatness. Local. Election. Candidates

14 Day 302, 13:24 Published in Norway Norway

TT party welcome every new player in the game by offering a friendly reception. How:

1. Giving more NOK for your gold, the value of 1 gold should be between 33 and 45 NOK. As it is now our new friends are the losers and the traders on the

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How are we? How rich are we? And who are we?

3 Day 300, 14:05 Published in Norway Norway

We were ready when the wave came, the strong east wind that lifted the huge mountain of a water. For us being ready to surf the dream came true, oh what a lift, what a ride and we are still rolling.

The wave came to conquer, it came to swallow,

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TT local election - the future - gold, why read our party page

3 Day 295, 01:31 Published in Norway Norway

In this article you can read about;
1.100 more NOK for your 5 gold related to present rate.
2. Safety in the unity of the Empire.
3. Avoid the danger of facing V1 with your guard down
4. Why read the party page?
5 The danger of inflation.

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From gold to gravel

5 Day 293, 10:39 Published in Norway Norway

.The gold is at the moment almost worth nothing if you want to by NOK. Irl gold is gold, but here the gold is only a value, at the moment I would characterize it more like pebbles or stones than gold. Why is this happening is it too much gold at

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