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Fungasms: Why America is falling short

37 Day 419, 19:11 Published in USA USA

Are the United States too serious?
I think so.

Remember at the beginning of Operation: French Toast?
We were kicking French pansy asses. Why you ask?

The United States has recently gone down in a giant 75%

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The Internet Relay Chat (Rizon)

23 Day 416, 17:57 Published in USA USA

The Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, is something I'm sure that you have all heard of...
But have you all joined it?
Too much effort?
Well here's everything that your going to need to know (the basics):



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The Nationalist Party - New Years' Edition

10 Day 408, 18:18 Published in USA USA

Four days and...30 more days ago...the Nationalist...Ramrod...Whatever...We were born.
And guess what?

Number of members - 100
Age of party - 34 days
Rank of party (USA) - 6th
Amount of members until 5th (USA) - 105
Rank of Party (World) - … read more »

The Nationalist Party - The Beginnings to Today.

13 Day 397, 12:02 Published in USA USA

Team Ramrod

The Nationalist Party, or the Ramrod coalition, was once nothing more than a mere thought. It happened on the IRC on day, while William Shafer, Kyle321n, and I were messing around. We decided to form a political coalition of … read more »

Party President Platform

4 Day 389, 12:59 Published in USA USA

Originally called "Team RAMROD", the party was a mere political coalition of three similar thinking politicians, William Shafer, Kyle321n our Vice President, and Nathan Woods our Party President. They had the support of a handful of congressman,

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