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What Is To Be Done?

36 Day 2,283, 18:36 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The following article is made in hopes to encourage members of our community to put in effort into helping us to solve our biggest challenges.



We currently live in illusion. In this false reality, which

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Entertainment Edition V

20 Day 2,268, 17:33 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In this Entertainment Edition, I'll once again give reviews of a featured book, movie and contribute to the new craze sweeping eIreland, "Let's Fill eRep With Art".


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[ILP] Dail Elections

14 Day 2,257, 20:08 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

It is time for yet another round of Dail elections. In this issue I'll be talking about the elections and about some of the progress we're making with the goals I've set for this term.


Our spokesman, Red Beard, has gotten in

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12 Day 2,257, 08:32 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Please pm me to enter, and send the 10 gold entry fee, or more so preferred 2,000cc. The deadline will be the 11th of February. The public will be notified when the first 30 spots are filled. Once … read more »

Entertainment Edition IV

19 Day 2,253, 09:45 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In this Entertainment Issue, I'm going to do a strictly lyrical issue, apart from the usual movie and band review. I'll also be including the usual readers' favorites.

[img]http://www.punkrockcds.[/img] … read more »