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GLD and the new Constitution

1 Day 822, 09:28 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As might have read in the press recently, as of today a proposal for a new Constitution of the United Netherlands is being put to a vote. The Green Liberal Democrats have been greatly involved in the creation of this new document, through the input

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[GLD]Party President Elections

4 Day 817, 12:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Tomorrow there will be Party President elections again. For the Green Liberal Democrats it means another change of presidency. Let's start of by looking what the last PP did.

In the last month many respected GLD members left the game or became … read more »

GLD's Party Program

2 Day 796, 14:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

The Green Liberal Democrats is a Center-libertarian party founded the 16th of June 2009 by the former member Peter Green. We are a Unionist party, in favour of economic and social growth, freedom, democracy, transparency, and investment in new

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The Belgian Liberal Democrats (?)

25 Day 772, 04:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Belgian Citizen, Dear Dutch Citizen, Dear citizen of any nation who has now lives in the country that is the Democratic Union of Belgium and the Netherlands.... In short, dear citizen of the Union!

As of today the GLD will start an … read more »

The GLD Congress Candidates

12 Day 765, 11:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands


The election times are coming again. In this article we'll talk about the members who are running, a short introduction of what GLD … read more »