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GLD on entrepreneurship - a company, what now?

6 Day 841, 23:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

GLD on entrepreneurship

Owning a company: it’s the dream of every starting eRep citizen. The road to the glorious moment of actually starting one up is a long and treacherous one though. One needs to fight, work, achieve medals and save … read more »

A look on GLD from outsiders

2 Day 841, 10:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Hey citizens!

I interviewed a few people from different political parties about how their view is on GLD. Their opinions are not the opinions of the country and the facts they say might not be true, these are all opinions. I hope you get a better

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[GLD] The New Governement - Elections - Belgium

9 Day 832, 09:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens of The United Netherlands,

A lot of issues are happening around and in the UNL. As the third biggest party, the Green Liberal Democrats has to be clear on what they fight for.

The governement and Frerk

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[GLD] Party Program and Elections

7 Day 827, 06:31 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Hi everyone,


New months mean new elections. As the third biggest party in UNL, we propose candidates for the congressional elections. Last month, we got 7 congress members thanks to you. I hope you will not forget

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GLD Presents: Exclusive Interviews!

8 Day 824, 12:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens of the United Netherlands!

Here are some interviews with GLD members of what they think of the party. It is like an introduction to the Green Liberal Democrats. I hope you will learn something about our party by this.

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