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|Embassy of MNE|: My first article in eLithuania

46 Day 2,056, 14:36 Published in Lithuania Lithuania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear people of Lithuania,

First of all, I must say that I'm so happy that I'm a part of your society and it's a great pleasure to be here as an ambassador of eMontenegro.


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Napravimo zajedno više Baby Boom-ova!

14 Day 2,054, 13:08 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Crnogorke i Crnogorci,

Htio bih sa vama podijeliti jednu bitnu informaciju, tj. ideju koja bi trebala da postepeno doprinese rastu populacije naše male države.

U neformalnom razgovoru sa jednim od odgovornih za portal Pobjede,

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To dear Romanian people

58 Day 2,047, 06:47 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


With proud I can inform you that MPP is signed!

For those who can't understand and who think that is some kind of ingame interest - I would do the same thing with any country, NO MATTER on which side in eWorld they … read more »

Kriza u svakom mogućem smislu

13 Day 2,021, 13:36 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dragi moje Crnogorke i Crnogorci,

Prije tačno 3 mjeseca sam zadnji put napisao članak u eCrnoj Gori. Politički sam neaktivan još od prije Nove godine, kao i u izvršnoj vlasti. Zadnji period sam proveo kao naš ambasador u državama poput

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Happy Independence Day, Montenegro!

29 Day 2,009, 15:40 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends,

Today is the one of the happiest celebration day in Montenegro.

7 years ago, on May 21, 2006 Montenegro has got back its independence. Little bit later, it has recognized and became member of numerous multinational

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