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Swedish Terrorists Blow Up American Embassy

5 Day 147, 17:52 Published in Sweden Sweden


There was once a linden-tree covered boulevard that rolled peacefully down the street from Østerport station. On this boulevard was a row of embassies, and one embassy in particular was a blue embassy designed in a

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The World Through International Relations Theory

3 Day 146, 19:48 Published in Sweden Sweden


This article was written on behest of the Ministry of State and it's main goals are to simplify international relations on the basis of Neo-Realist theory and Neo-Liberalism. For an update

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Law Concerning the Danish Treasury

11 Day 146, 15:57 Published in Sweden Sweden

Upon being passed by a majority of the congress (via commenting on this article with aye or nay) the law and it's consequences will be implemented until another law proposed by a Danish president is passed that negates this law.

From now on it is

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This Just In, We Gonna Get It!

13 Day 144, 10:46 Published in Sweden Sweden


We have just received recent reports relaying information that the President of Denmark and the President of Norway have just completed talks. The basic premise was on the possibility of a mutual alliance. The initial

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The Daily Trials of a Danish Hercules

15 Day 141, 19:35 Published in Sweden Sweden


Dear Friends,

This is an open letter to the world press. I must vent the feelings boiling inside of me. When I became President I knew I would have to bare my burden alone, like all the belongings of a Swede tied onto a

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