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The Cape International ep 1

1 Day 684, 11:47 Published in Norway Norway

Hello and welcome to The Cape International, the only eSouth African radio show!

We have moved out into the big wide world to let you all know who we are and who each other are! Instead of covering eSouth African affairs we will cover the affairs

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The Cape International ep 1

4 Day 684, 11:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello and welcome to The Cape International, the only eSouth African radio show!

We have moved out into the big wide world to let you all know who we are and who each other are! Instead of covering eSouth African affairs we will cover the affairs

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The Cape International ep 1

3 Day 684, 11:43 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hello and welcome to The Cape International, the only eSouth African radio show!

We have moved out into the big wide world to let you all know who we are and who each other are! Instead of covering eSouth African affairs we will cover the affairs

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Seriously, Why?

8 Day 682, 20:40 Published in South Africa South Africa

So I am severely confused now as to what the intentions of various people are...

Well actually ive always considered Exilious, Ajay, and Kaiser to be extremely less than reputable people who I will never respect even in a trillion years, but what

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Proposal to Shut it

18 Day 680, 17:58 Published in South Africa South Africa

Yet another Ajay article.

I would really enjoy it if everyone stopped writing articles about Ajay Bruno. Yes he is an easy target, but he's so easy to make fun of it's getting old. Plus i'd rather you put your writing efforts towards other

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