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A newspaper that supports the independence of eIndia as a sovereign capitalist union

A good economic Plan

10 Day 1,989, 19:24 Published in India India Financial business Financial business

Well hello everyone,Parth here.I am here to propose a plan that helps to stabilize the current situation of eIndia.Many newbies do not have really high paying jobs and the tax does not help.The last time our tax was revised was when average incomes

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Croatian Relations part 2

3 Day 1,989, 12:07 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Well hello everyone,Parth here.I am here with some disputable but very important news.Croatia has just voted to leave EDEN.That we might be able to play to our advantage.But if Croatia decides to join CoT we are screwed.They will never be able to

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Gosh Darn it to Heck

4 Day 1,988, 16:10 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello everyone,Parth here.I am really sad about all these negative comments about eIndia.And it's not even foreigners.All my readers know I don't cuss but these comments make me so mad."eIndia always has to rely o other countries to get their ***

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The Wild YUUVA Bunch

5 Day 1,986, 14:52 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Well hello people,Parth here.This article is just a friendly joke about the YUUVA Cabinet which includes me and it is based on the movie series Die Wilden Kerle(Wild Soccer Bunch).If you don't know about it read my article about eIndian unity.No

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The Honor of eIndia

9 Day 1,984, 16:01 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

सरफरोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है,
देखना है जोर कितना बाजुए कातिल में है ।

करता नहीं क्यों दुसरा कुछ बातचीत,
देखता हूँ मैं जिसे वो चुप तेरी महफिल मैं है ।

रहबर राहे मौहब्बत रह न जाना राह में
लज्जत-ऐ-सेहरा नवर्दी दूरिये-मंजिल में है ।

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