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April Congressional Election Analysis

8 Day 1,619, 16:36 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I find myself with a little bit of free time today so I thought I would analyze yesterday’s election again. It got a good reception and was kinda fun to do.

So here’s a recap of what the past legislature did.


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eIrish Boot Camp--One of eIreland's Greatest Institutions

14 Day 1,615, 14:52 Published in Ireland Ireland First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

I write to you all today to provide a little inside view of the eIrish Boot Camp.

I joined erepublik on February 29th, 2012, and … read more »

eIrish-eCanadian Relation and The Future

12 Day 1,590, 17:51 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In this article I will attempt to lay out what I believe the future between eIreland and eCanada should be.

As with the last article, please keep in mind that I am a month-old noob … read more »

March Congressional Elections Analysis

19 Day 1,589, 17:02 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Well, this is my first article in erepublik, so please excuse any noobish mistakes I make. I've read some examples of these types of articles, and have … read more »