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\o/ Gaming Tourney \o/ Results - NoS Vs. Libs

8 Day 1,154, 18:14 Published in USA USA

Hey homies!

The second match of Round One of the \o/ Gaming Tourney \o/ took place today, with the Libertarians facing off against the NoS party! In an adrenaline-filled series of three games, the two teams struggled to come out on top; when the

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\o/Gaming Tourney\o/ Results - Feds Vs. USWP

10 Day 1,146, 21:59 Published in USA USA

Hey homies!

The first round of the \o/ Gaming Tourney \o/ has begun! After some initial confusion and a struggle to wrangle all team members into the game, the Feds and USWP were able to face off! In a staggering series of wins the United States

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Let the \o/ Gaming Tourney \o/ Begin!

7 Day 1,145, 15:57 Published in USA USA

Hey homies!

The results are in! We have 6 parties entering teams into the \o/ Gaming Tourney \o/ This places the winning prize at 7.2G, 2nd-place prize at 3.6G, and third-place prize at 1.2G.

Starting tomorrow evening at around 1700 eRep time,

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\o/ Gaming Tourney \o/

20 Day 1,135, 14:40 Published in USA USA

Hey homies!

A few people expressed interest in an idea to organize a gaming tournament at, so I'm going to make it happen 😉 Hopefully, we can all have a bit more fun, make some social connections, and show off our skills.


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19 Day 1,113, 14:54 Published in USA USA

A faint glow began to suffuse the expansive headquarters of the United Independents Party, accompanied by a soft, tinkling sound. The very air seemed to shimmer, to glitter, with sparkly light, slowly coalescing into a large orb of read more »