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Kaz 4 PP! \o/

29 Day 873, 23:48 Published in USA USA

Hi homies!

How are you? Would you like some pie while you read? I strongly recommend the Banana Creme :3

Or hey, why not try some Pi while you'

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Congress Again!

9 Day 854, 23:43 Published in USA USA

Hiya homies!

Golly, it's that time again! It's time to bust out the vote and pack our congress with as many dedicated, intelligent, active players as humanly possible!

I'd like to think I'm one of them!


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Recap (tl;dr)

17 Day 821, 00:50 Published in Israel Israel

Hey homies,

It's been a while. I spent some time in eIsrael meeting great people and doing cool stuff, but now it's time to return to the eUS.

I came over a few months ago at the invitation of Joshua Hoss, the then-General of the eIsraeli

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Knesset Again!

5 Day 793, 21:44 Published in Israel Israel

Hey homies!

I'm running for the knesset again. I'll keep this brief and just list some of my accomplishments this past term:

-I helped create a national budget, so we can forecast our funding needs and know where we will likely stand in the

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Knesset Problems

34 Day 776, 01:38 Published in Israel Israel

Hello folks,

I wasn't going to write an article about this, but things have recently sunken to a new low. There is a VERY serious problem with the Knesset right now: only 18 of our 40 KMs have registered in the congress section of the bilingual

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