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Welcome to eSingaporeIRC

14 Day 990, 17:10 Published in Singapore Singapore

To solve the problems of our current IRC I have created #esingaporeIRC.

Someone has been tampering with the access lists, bannings are far too many, and the atmosphere is not conducive to fun.

Please feel free to join the new room and

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/Begin rant

11 Day 988, 05:16 Published in Singapore Singapore

As a long term eSingaporean citizen I am concerned with the current state of our e-country.

I am not as concerned with who wins an election as I am in the fairness of the process and participation of interested parties. Allowing a

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What is a PTO? Part One.

5 Day 970, 05:49 Published in Singapore Singapore

The word PTO is used frequently in articles, advertisements, and forum posts.

Some may not be aware of the terminology and what it means.

A political take over is a term used in eRepublik to describe the actions of an organized group

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Congressional Platform

7 Day 969, 15:11 Published in Singapore Singapore

I have decided to run for Congress to yell at the Russian PTO crew.

I could bore you with a list of my previous positions but why?

Look at my profile if you are that interested.

My platform is simple.

Keep eSingapore working smoothly.

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I for one welcome our new ePresidential overlord.

7 Day 958, 13:58 Published in Singapore Singapore

Onwards to Paris! … read more »