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Czech-Hungarian war comes to a close

1 Day 217, 10:16 Published in Turkey Turkey

GYOR, Hungary - The month-long conflict between Hungary and the Czech Republic ended Monday after successful peace talks in the Hungarian capital of Gyor. The war began when Hungary invaded the former Slovak lands, which had been under Czech control

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Election analysis: Mayoral campaigns, June 2008

7 Day 213, 20:21 Published in Turkey Turkey

With four hours until polls close across Greece, the Gyros Chronicle is calling a blowout Greek Republic Resistance victory in all regions with the exception of Crete, which is labeled too close to call at this hour. [Update: Gyros Chronicle is now

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Interview: Gyros Chronicle speaks with incumbent Mayor Seatchle of Heraklion

2 Day 213, 16:17 Published in Turkey Turkey

On the evening of an overwhelming upset election in Greece, where the Greek Republic Resistance is expected to overwhelmingly win mayoral seats across the nation, the Gyros Chronicle sat down with Seatchle, the incumbent United Greece Party mayor of

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State-owned Souvlakia lowers food prices, Congressmen defect

2 Day 213, 14:54 Published in Turkey Turkey

HERAKLION, GREECE - Following a week of media criticism and nationwide protests, Souvlakia, a food manufacturing giant owned by President Capelli King, lowered the prices of its high quality foods late Friday. The decision comes on the day of many

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Despite punitive taxes, US-based company exports food to hungry Greece

8 Day 212, 16:16 Published in Turkey Turkey

DENVER, COLORADO - Inquisition Foods, Inc. exported a shipment of quality food to Greece today despite the establishment of exorbitant import tariffs imposed by the United Greece Party, led by President Capelli King. The American food quickly made

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