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Following landslide victory, GRR! party faces schism

0 Day 226, 18:26 Published in Turkey Turkey

ATHENS, Greece - In the wake of a historic election in which the Greek Republic Resistance earned as much as 83% of the total vote, that party now faces a split as large numbers of citizens, unhappy with the direction and policies of President

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Election analysis: Presidential and Congressional campaigns, July 2008

2 Day 224, 10:39 Published in Turkey Turkey

With over twelve hours left before the polls close around Greece, Gyros News has called the election for Rathen Holton and his Greek Republic Resistance party. This page will be updated as more recent exit polls are brought to our attention. [

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Greek Republic Resistance not itself free from corruption

4 Day 223, 16:56 Published in Turkey Turkey

"I made [GRD 90,000] off of the whole mass printing," said JewC Jew about his personal gains in the aftermath of a controversial law passed by Congress mandating the printing of 2.1 billion drachmas and following his selection as a GRR congressional

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Editorial: Capelli King, you've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

29 Day 220, 07:34 Published in Turkey Turkey

Before the Greek Congress today is another inflationary scorched-earth bill that, if passed, will flood the Greek economy with 2.1 billion drachmas. Earlier this month, when the Congress approved a resolution that mandated the printing of 1 million

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Self-proclaimed "breadlord" Varinn dies unexpectedly at 47

3 Day 218, 17:46 Published in Turkey Turkey

CORFU, Greece - Varinn, the Head of Wage and Welfare Monitoring for the Greek Republic Resistance, mayor of Corfu, and CEO of Ton Agron Bread Company, passed away early Wednesday evening after, ironically, choking on a piece of hardtack packaged at

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