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Daily Joke.

5 Day 1,933, 08:16 Published in Norway Norway Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

There were three people who were kidnapped by cannibals. The leader said that if they pass a trial, the will be set free.

They each had to gather 10 fruits of the same kind. Each one of them went away in different directions.

The first one

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Daily Joke.

4 Day 1,932, 07:11 Published in Norway Norway Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A kangaroo get escaping from his zoo enclosure. Every day the zookeepers added 10 feet to the fence. The evening when they had gone to 40 feet, the camel asked the kangaroo how high he thought they would make the fence.
Tha kangaroo replied ''

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Hi, I'm back, don't know how long though xP

6 Day 1,930, 02:43 Published in Norway Norway Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

After being gone for, maybe over a year, i might start again 😉

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