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Tutorijal za ePredsednike

18 Day 1,300, 06:20 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ovo je srpska verzija o predsednickim duznostima i mehanizmima igre.

Mehanizmi igre-Predlozi(proposals)

Ne postoji ogranicenje predloga koje predsednik moze da postavi.

1. Campaign of the day
Predsednik je onaj koji

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Kad bih mogla da vratim vreme...

14 Day 1,298, 02:28 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Proslo je tacno godinu dana,a kao da je juce bilo... Posle skole sam odjurila u bolnicu da te vidim cim sam saznala. Poslednjih par dana si bas bio bolestan, a ovaj odlazak u bolnicu mi nimalo nije slutio na dobro.
Posmatrala sam te

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Virtual love (:

12 Day 1,281, 14:31 Published in Greece Greece Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In our lives, those the most precious feelings that give life meaning and content don't occur very often. When that happen,even on the net,ther is internal conflict - not only heart and mind, but the reason. One part of the reason says to lock it … read more »

καλή Έλληνες μέρα, δεν είμαι κατάσκοπος!

37 Day 1,244, 04:21 Published in Greece Greece Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear eReaders,

Since yesterday I am a citizen of eGreece. I came from eSerbia.
I forgive you because you didn't nicely wellcome me. I understand that we are enemies in the game and that it is logical for you to think that I have some bad

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Десерт Хамстер следећи? :DD

32 Day 1,238, 08:15 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Драги ечитаоци,

погледајте слику :


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