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Of chaos, war and secession of eThai...

5 Day 703, 15:26 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

"Congressman Carr, i have a bad news."

"What's the matter?"

"We have just received the latest telegram from the President's Office with regards to the secession of eThailand"

"What! My beloved is in eThailand - this is no good. I need
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2 Day 702, 23:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Update: 1454 Day703 - All the threats are currently under control - thanks for the great effort from our Sol allies from eAustralia, eSouth Africa, eSK, and others. Moreso is the valliant efforts of our military and our citizens. HOwever, the read more »

the perils of trying to do too much

4 Day 702, 19:35 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

this article is for my friends, whoever you may be.

One wise man, once told me - if you re a rich man, you shouldn't become a politician - otherwise you will be like Silvio Berlusconi (Italian Prime Minister). And if you re a politician, you

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life is Tough as a small-time aspiring e-Journalist

1 Day 702, 07:22 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Because you simply have no right. period. The power-to-be would have decided that your words are seditious or worse - cheap shots. Yeah, i am part of this government as a deputy … read more »

Military, TDM and so-called coup

19 Day 702, 03:03 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear citizens of FRoSEA,

How would i expect my brief introduction of the proposed military funding reforms would have lead to [url=

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