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Objectivity in journalism, science and philosophy [eUS ed]

11 Day 707, 07:22 Published in USA USA

original article here. This is a trial run of international publishing. 🙂

There is an almost universal tendency, perhaps an inborn read more »

Objectivity in journalism, science and philosophy

20 Day 707, 05:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

There is an almost universal tendency, perhaps an inborn tendency, to suspect the good faith of a man who holds opinions that differ from our own opinions… It obviously endangers the freedom and the objectivity of our discussion if we attack a read more »

A commentary of the congressional election

14 Day 706, 22:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

The recently concluded election seem not to have too many surprises. However, the major surprise is DAP has maintained its share of the congressional seats despite a massive surge of FUP's membership and support base (from Mudkipz and SELU) in the

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Why should you vote for DAP candidates....

5 Day 705, 06:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Check out the full DAP congressional line up here. All the candidates are extremely experienced and long time citizen of eMalaysia..with a few new faces

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My response to 'Please think before you vote'

4 Day 705, 05:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

When i first read the title of gen-tiger's exposition "Please think before you vote", to be honest, i was elated! Finally, a rational piece of essay - asking for rationality in voting and not just based on party membership or irrational politics.

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