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▒█My Michigan Re-Election Updated Platform April Article of Awesome█▒

0 Day 517, 13:41 Published in USA USA

Hola people of Michigan, as you might know, I am your current Congressmen, and let me tell you what a ride it has been. However looking at the past month I'm glad to say as a few of you know, I'm running for [url=

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▒█Hey Michigan, I'm running for re-election!█▒

0 Day 513, 20:02 Published in USA USA

Good evening fair people of Michigan, I think it's a great time to let you know I'm running for re-election. Now before you go and vote for me again, I'd like you all to have a look at my current voting record.

My Voting Recor😛 http://

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▒█Why aren't there any mudslinging campaigns?█▒

22 Day 497, 20:09 Published in USA USA

Hola nation, I bring to you an urgent and pressing issue, the blatant lack of mudslinging in these campaigns, and the staggering little amount of them going on during any elections

Psh, how can we know anything bad about a candidate if all

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▒█Hey Michigan, I'm your man█▒

1 Day 489, 19:36 Published in USA USA

Hello citizens of Michigan,

As you may know, I'm running for Congress in our great state and have already put out there my platform, found here

However, that

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▒█Chisholm for Michigan█▒

4 Day 487, 09:49 Published in USA USA

Hello nice people of Michigan, I am glad to inform you that I have decided to run for Congress in the great state of Michigan.Why should you vote for me?Well well well good people let me tell you.I started here in Michigan several months back, and I'

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