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To the CPF from Penguin

7 Day 1,061, 07:45 Published in Canada Canada

Hello everyone
Today is the day I am leaving for eNew Zealand, is it odd that today is my RL birthday? But, there are just a couple things I wanted to say.

The CPF, I had plans for you lots of them, did I do any of them? Not really, before I got

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The Praetors are Back

13 Day 1,047, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada

In the long ago, before the plague of V2 that killed many people, way back in the golden time of
Wall and non-crazy mofos running the CPF there was a thing called the Praetors.

This small group of soldiers traveled the world bound by their

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The CPF nomination goes to . . .

12 Day 1,046, 17:48 Published in Canada Canada

Hi everyone, we had a great turn out, this month of people who wanted to be CP, and here are just some of the people.

Did Sean92 get it?

Did Uncle Creepy get it?

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A Progressive Congress Set! [CPF]

17 Day 1,039, 19:02 Published in Canada Canada

The CPF is marching into the Congress Elections, with a strong line of reliable people. But there is also some weeds among out line that you the people must look out for.
Indonesian PTOer Nikitoooo is … read more »

The Rise of the CPF Penguin

6 Day 1,031, 12:39 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Readers

I would like to say a few things.

First; thank you for all of your support in the Party President elections! It’s nice to know that 60% of you support the Penguin.

Second; I

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