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Sabotage in israel or just clear stupidity

5 Day 623, 03:36 Published in Israel Israel

Ahhh.... ConDingo head of the small millintiel party...
is he trying to harm israel?
couple of exampls:
he aprooved Wu70 as an offical canditate for the congress
he offerd a weird tax on grain for no reason...
i think that he dosent like

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Cheap Houses for israel!

0 Day 621, 12:14 Published in Israel Israel

Hello israel its your bajumboom again with another set of great offers.

Im willing to sell to you israel cheap houses!
Those are the prices:

Q1 3.45 G
Q2 7.40 G
Q3 13.99 G
Q4 23.99 G
Q5 35.99 G

Pm me or

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A problem in the weapon market

10 Day 620, 15:05 Published in Israel Israel

Im calling who ever reads this do not open anymore Q1 weapon companys in israel the market is already over inflated with alot of weapon companys.
build weapon companys only above Q1 not Q1

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Cheap Houses For Finland

2 Day 618, 04:40 Published in Finland Finland

Hello everyone

Our company produces houses globally, getting the best wood from rich regions and uses best managed factories to bring houses at the lowest prices.

I may sell the Q1 house to you at a price of only 3.45G.

Why does a citizen

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Cheap Houses For Sweden

4 Day 618, 04:40 Published in Sweden Sweden

Hello everyone

Our company produces houses globally, getting the best wood from rich regions and uses best managed factories to bring houses at the lowest prices.

I may sell the Q1 house to you at a price of only 3.45G.

Why does a citizen

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