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Bajumboom for party president (expanded)

9 Day 629, 14:35 Published in Israel Israel

For those of you that doent know me im bajumboom!
GM of jericho and a trusted house seller.

I am running for Kadima party president seat.
I want to make a change at Kadima party,
I want to give the party some life!
Alexander the former
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Crete is in danger, what about israel?

9 Day 628, 09:17 Published in Israel Israel

Crete was attacked today by turkey.
Turkey said its peacfull with israel...
But what if this all thing is a scam to get to crete and attack us?
im sure the turks arnt liers but what if?
This was another small article from bajumboom

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Im running for presidency.

6 Day 627, 13:31 Published in Israel Israel

Hello y'all, my name is Bajumboom
im running for millenial party presidency!

i want to make millenial party a better party an active party!

if your part of the millenial party please vote for me in the upcoming elections against
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Cheap Houses.

1 Day 627, 09:00 Published in Israel Israel

Im selling cheap houses.

Why does a citizen needs a house?

Houses are good to bring you wellness -> You feel better. -> You work better. -> You gain experience faster. -> You are paid higher salary.

The Prices are:
Q1 house 3.
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Peace opinion...

4 Day 626, 12:14 Published in Israel Israel

I talked to the president of indonesia
he said that indonesia is open to USA ally...
i must say my anti peace idea's are dieing since they are not evil...
they are just fighting for freedom of other countrys...

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