You're beautiful PCP

Day 673, 04:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Seraosha

Both within and without the PCP, what we stand for and who we are seems to be a recurring theme these days. What does the People's Communist Party actually stand for? Are we in a decline? I haven't really weighed in on this age old debate yet, but the time has come to go for it I think.

It's time to remember that if you are part of a political party and not some diktat cabal, there has to be some compromise of views. The strength of any successful political party is not found in pursuing narrow issues and goals, but in providing a home for people of many different, though hopefully similar beliefs and I think this is the party we have.

Here in the PCP there are those who support nationalisation and more radical policies and those who are happy simply to bang the drum for equality and helping out younger players. Sure we don't always go as far as some want. Nationalisation is both an extensively discussed topic and the dog that never barks here. But despite that the Communes system continues to prosper and grow.
There are times when our efforts to help younger players and fight for equality go under the radar, but then we raised our head in anger as the wounded beast of the Lords lashed out one last time. Yet even then, we had members who wished to see the Lords retained and that was okay.

PCP members have all been attracted to this party for different reasons. For me, it was seeing a party that supported the young player and appeared to be the most overtly leftist party in the eUK. That and the Communes. Sometimes the party doesn't go as far as I would like, but I don't mind as I'm part of a beautiful cohesive whole. There have been accusations recently that we are beginning to haemorrhage members as part of a consistent leftward drift. I don't agree with that.

Some people join us, see us just discussing something extreme and they quail instantly. But we have a vibrant internal democracy and we are happy to discuss the hard stuff. What's so wrong with that? Meanwhile, we're a party with a strong military tradition. To say many of us are abroad so often in the midst of a decline, we maintain a constant 270+ members and a consistent number of congressmen - even whilst squeezed between an ascendant TUP that has covered herself with glory and the UKRP's powerful sleeper vote, even if they have been on life support for a while.

I think in the last couple of months we could've done more to put ourselves out there. We could've fought harder to expand our membership but in the end, even as we have stumbled, we are still a powerful and relevant force that came so close to delivering a PCP President just a few weeks ago. I think the party is perfect as is. No more needs be said on the subject.

The PCP might not always deliver on our personal expectations, but it's still the best thing since sliced bread and the only place I want to be. It's time to put an end to the navel gazing and simply do what we do best. Continue to innovate and lead the way with the Communes, continue our spectacular media forays and get on with the job of delivering equality, education and help for new players.

tl;dr = Seraosha heart PCP 🙂