The Communes

Day 671, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The People's Commune

Of all the many things awesome about the PCP: its friendliness, its party ethos, etc, etc, what most stands out to you? In all likelihood you were not just thinking “the communes” in answer to that question. Indeed, these go by and large unnoticed it seems, even though they are one of the most unique aspects of the PCP and are a great mechanism for empowerment of the workers.

First off I would like to talk about what exactly the communes are, so you may see how awesome they truly are 🙂.

The founding tenant of the communes is that workers are entitled the product of their own work. For obvious reasons this is not taken literally (I mean, what is a worker supposed to do with however many units of grain or iron?) but the idea still is applied.

The way this is applied is that the commune is run sort of like a normal company in that the products will be sold on the market for a profit. However, unlike in a normal company, workers are working for 1GBP, the minimum wage.

Here interpretations of communes differ: in some communes the workers are then awarded a share of the profit made, with each worker being awarded the amount their labour helped to create (the price of raw materials having been netted out of course); in the others instead of money the workers receive q2 or q3 food everyday depending on their needs, as well as a regular weapon supply to fight with (this food and weapons having been created by various communes).

How awesome is that? You are getting 100% benefit from the work you do. I am not saying managers making a profit is a bad thing necessarily – they did after all invest in the company and need to get something – but the fact that in a commune there is no manager and so you get that extra bit of income / material wealth that you helped produce.

For those of you who were interested by the prospect I outlined in the first half of this article I would now like to go on to talk about the different communes there are available to you and who to talk to about joining them.

Firstly, there are the worker’s coalition’s communes. The owner of this commune is zumbum and the communes it controls are in:

- Food production
- Weapon Production

Next comes the workers’ flag under the control of kinse. Currently it does not have any communes, but is only a few gold away from getting its first one (an iron commune). Donations to the cause would be appreciated 😃.

Finally comes our (the PCP’s) official commune organisation: The People’s Commune. This is our longest established commune org and used to be controlled by Scipio The Great, but is currently looked after by Draaglom and he’s doing a great job of it (hi-fives to him). The communes offered by this org are as follows:

- Food production
- Grain production
- Weapons production

And there is the hope to expand it eventually into the following:

- Iron production
- Housing production (more my hope that one lol)

This was just a short article to try and attract some attention to the communes. It has been a long time since I have written anything so I know it may not be that great. Hopefully you can still see the point I am trying to get across: the communes are great for the worker, especially the younger, lesser experienced worker who stands to gain the most. They also form quite an extensive network. This is why, in my opinion at least, they form the best reason for joining and becoming affiliated with the PCP.

We’re not all evil commies you know 😉

- Not Quite As One