XV: Take The Power Back

Day 1,539, 12:38 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: http://goo.gl/7sCeN

Greetings and Salutations, America:

The Presidential elections are over and Oblige is once again the President of the United States.

With 55% of the popular vote, Oblige has once again walked away with a victory, defeating the voter total of all four of the other candidates combined. As a supporter of my NPR co-host, I am obviously happy with the results. Oblige has had an amazing two terms and standing up to the SuperPfiends has only made me support and respect Oblige even more.

In what can only be a last-ditch desperation move to get people to elect Vanek26 as President, SuperPfriends serving in the January Oblige Cabinet resigned and gave an ultimatum to the nation: Vanek or No SuperPfriends.

But as amazing as these people are, NO ONE IS IRREPLACEABLE. Evry has stepped up to be Secretary of State and the popular opinion of the nation is that they are behaving like spoiled schoolchildren and are more-or-less willing to throw the country under a bus in order to get what they want when they want it and that everyone is acting like the people who have had the jobs are the only people who can do the jobs. ANYBODY in this game can do ANY of the jobs as long as they have the: Time, Commitment, Activity, Passion, Desire, and Proper Training.

Truer words never spoken.

So now is the time to "rally round the flag" and prove that "change is good". With a blow-out in the power vacuum that has gripped America for the better part of the last year, everyone has a chance to shape the future of our beloved America. Time to boot up or shut up. Time to show that no one group aside from the Admins controls the game. Time to help out and serve America!

One of two things can happen from this episode: Unity or Division. Hopefully, the butthurt will end so we can continue progressing into what we are the becoming: the greatest nation in the New World. Or, we can continue with the petty squabbles of which BOTH sides are guilty and fall once again.

The choice is yours.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie
Cultivator - US Marijuana Party

Click to visit USMJ on Facebook.

Join the US Marijuana Party for a different party experience. We believe in helping one another and teaching and mentoring new players. We want to have fun in an active forum and chat room. We are creating a place where it is fun to chill while learn. We will run people for Congress and help our members succeed. Everyone deserves a choice; everyone is important; everyone should be respected.

So come give a try if you are interested in a fun time or looking to get active in a community of active players. Recruiting is underway and we welcome everyone aboard the Magical Mystery Tour. Whether you smoke pot or not, whether you are old or young, whether you know your shit or are as dumb as shit... you are welcome.

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