The Tripod.

Day 1,537, 17:31 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..
Danger Zone

There are four parallel arresting wires, spaced about 50 feet (15 meters) apart, to expand the target area for the pilot. Pilots are aiming for the third wire, as it's the safest and most effective target. They never shoot for the first wire because it's dangerously close to the edge of deck. If they come in too low on the first wire, they could easily crash into the stern of the ship. It's acceptable to snag the second or fourth wire, but for a pilot to move up through the ranks, he or she has to be able to catch the third wire consistently.

It's up to us tomorrow, to ensure we don't come up short. The US needs to hit that third rope tomorrow. It's important to have the best person for the job in the Whitehouse. We need to hit the third person in this tripod. Vanek26 is the best person for this month. I urge you to consider his body of work. It is through his energy, organization, and coordination that the eUSA has enjoyed great victories with TERRA and EDEN. His continued dedication is essential to the eUSA's well-being. I believe it so firmly that I am resigning as Oblige's Secretary of State. So, when you vote tomorrow, consider how much Oblige, myself, and the eUSA have accomplished with Vanek26. Recognize.

If I can't convince you, perhaps they can.

I will always remember...

Strength through Unity.





Signature courtesy of PieGuy.

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